Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why Run?

I have been training with Clay and his ski-class group for the last 7 weeks to prepare for a half-marathon in Vegas. I'm running the half-marathon because I've suffered from Ulcerative Colitis and respiratory disease and I'm trying to raise money for the Crohn's and Colitis foundation. I had a setback in the 4th week as I was hospitalized for H1N1 and associated pneumonia. One week after being released from the hospital I ran 6 miles. Both my pulmonologist and infectious disease doctor attribute my physical strength to the work-outs that I'm doing at the club. They are working hard medically to get me to Vegas, and Clay is working hard physically to get me there. I am so appreciative of his class as I know that the strength I have gained is going to get me to Vegas and help me to run a strong race, helping me to fulfill my goal of raising funds for the CCFA. To date I have raised $18,000.

-- Thanks Clay for getting me there!

The following is an exerpt from one of my blogs as I prepare for the race:

I was asked "Why are you running ? "

For the kids in the hospital with IV poles trying to do just one more lap around the nursing station. I'm running for them.

For the parents leaving their children overnight at the hospital and returning to a quiet home. I'm running for them.

For the siblings, the spouses and the friends who are touched by this disease. I'm running for them.

For my donors. The donors who believe in a cure, who believe in me, and who want to be a part of our team, I'm running for YOU.

I'm running because I can!

Together we are a part of a bigger team. The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation will have 27 teams nationally flying to Vegas to join together to run the half marathon. There will be approximately 1000 team-mates, among the 20,000 marathon participants, each having met a $3500 minimum fund-raising goal to be on the team. Together, we hope to raise $4,000,000 dollars for research.

Together, we will raise money to help the kids, the parents, the siblings, spouses and the friends. Thank-you for being a part of my team.


To Donate Online: http://www.active.com/donate/lv09northwest/vegas09DrTrina

To Donate by Check/Cheque
Make payable to CCFA
Must be marked "IN USF" by the bank (not hand-written) or come from a USBank.
mail to : Trina Seligman, 11520 NE 20th ST., Bellevue, WA 98004

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